An Outer Banks Autumn Morning

Photos & words by John Streit. I've always felt a magnetic draw to mornings like this. The ethereal conditions - slack-winded autumn mornings paired with ample sunshine and playful rolling swell - cast ...

Logging Time

Photos & words by John Streit. The dog days showed up a month early this year. With an oppressive heat wave stifling the region with temperatures reaching 100 and humidity making it feel even worse. Powe...

Research & Destroy: June 3

Shaun Devine locked in. Photo: Streit Words by John Streit. Photos by Shaun Devine & Streit. There's very little up for debate. Tuesday, June 3, 2014 was as good as it gets on the East Coast. Now ...
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Outer Banks Weekender

The morning's subpar conditions gave way to a fun afternoon session just a couple miles up the road. Shaun Devine feeling the glide on a 5'3 blunt-nose Valaric Surfboards prototype. Photo: Joshua Carolino. Wo...