As a point of information for Sandbridge homeowners, Virginia Beach residents, and anyone who enjoys recreating in our little corner of Virginia Beach, House Bill 821, which is still currently pending, will provide for a land exchange in the vicinity of Little Island Park. If the bill passes, with the approval of the Governor, the Department of Conservation and Recreation will convey an approximately five acre “parcel within Little Island Park known as the Little Island Coast Guard Station” to the City of Virginia Beach.

In exchange for these five acres, the Department of Conservation and Recreation will receive approximately seventy acres “adjacent to Little Island Park that provides public access to Back Bay and has the potential to be used by False Cape State Park for improved interpretation of natural resources.”

“The purpose of this exchange is to enable the City to expand its Little Island Park and for the Department to enhance the operations of False Cape State Park.”

We’re excited for the possibility of working more extensively with False Cape State Park to enjoy its expanded outdoor activities at the south end of Sandbridge!

*Information adapted from Virginia House Bill NO. 821 

A big thank you to Mr and Mrs Chidester, who graciously opened their beautiful home at the Sanctuary Condos, so Alex could work his photographic magic. Also, thank you to CJ, the maestro of Sanctuary, for coordinating the use of their condo.


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