Whether close to home, or half a world away, the search for surf is continuous. Even if your hometown waves were perfect all the time, there is something magical about hitting the road, discovering new places, and meeting new people. Combine all of the above, and the results are once in a lifetime!
On and off S&A employee, Shaun Devine, knows better than most how and where to find remote surf, and how to savor the adventure that comes with getting there. He recently set off on his second trip to Indonesia, scoring some of the best waves of his life.
After a successful trip last year with the guys from Jetty, Shaun couldn’t resist another Indonesian adventure with his college buddy “Junior.” After 40+ hours of travel, and a night in Jakarta that would make Hemingway blush, they jumped on a seventy four foot catamaran named “Crystal Clear,” captained by the dubiously named “Moose.” A Kiwi, who’s been in Indonesia for decades, “Moose” has a bloodhound nose for surf, which didn’t disappoint. Shaun reported that there is no other way to surf in Indo. Being stocked with all the essentials for two weeks at sea, they were free to explore far and wide, without the necessity of going ashore. Between catching the waves of their lives, the boys spent free time fishing, island hopping, taking in unbeatable 360 degree views, and of course, enjoying adult beverages that never seemed to run out.
The crew spent two weeks chasing surf around Indonesia. Despite being at the beginning of the season, Shaun dropped in on what he describes as the heaviest waves of his life. For most of the trip it was head high-overhead, but the back end brought the magic, dialing it up to 8-10 foot-double overhead. To make things even more critical, the reef was never more than a few feet below the surface, always ready to claim skin from the careless.
In recent years, Shaun has been fulfilling childhood dreams of scoring epic surf around the world. Lucky for us, he brought back a visual feast. Sit back and enjoy real adventure, real consequence, and real waves…
This week’s post is brought to you by a sick new shape from GSI, and what should be Shaun’s nickname, “The Modern Love Child.”
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