Words by John Streit. Photos by Jill Thomas.

It’s been recently sighted in the mainstream surf media, but it’s been lurking around the sandbars of Sandbridge for the better part of three years. It’s a rare beast, but when it’s spotted in its natural habitat, there’s no denying its stoke-inducing powers.

Usually emerging on the warm, small-wave days of summer; the SUPsquatch was spotted in Sandbridge slicing through 35-degree water following the recent snowstorms. Captured on camera by Jill Thomas, its existence is yet again confirmed. This time, the Surf & Adventure Co. crew of Rob Lindauer, Kenny Mills, Craig Thomas and Hunter Thomas decided to break out the beast for some thrills, spills and serious chills on a cold-but-pristine afternoon earlier this month. The teamwork need to catch and ride waves adds a challenging element, but surfing is just one part of the fun the SUPsquatch has to offer. Wipeouts, dismounts and positioning on the deck are all arguably as fun as riding waves on this beast of a board!

Enjoy the latest photo evidence of the SUPsquatch in action!

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