Surf Big, Give Big

Big thanks to all who gave big at Surf & Adventure Co. Words by John Streit. On Monday, Oct. 29, 2012, the face of the East Coast was forever changed by Hurricane Sandy. From North Carolina through New Y...

Sights of Sandy

Way overhead and pumping at Little Island Pier, Sandbridge: Oct. 29, 2012. Matt McKechnie photo. Words by John Streit. Concept by Shaun Devine.  Surf & Adventure Co. crewman Julius Delbridge put it best...

Autumn Effect

Words and photos by Shaun Devine. “I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion” — Henry David Thoreau. Do you like surfing in crowds? I don’t. Star...
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James Would Go.

Words by John Streit. Photos by S&A Crew. Last Saturday, the Virginia Beach and Sandbridge surfing communities came together to honor the memory of James Normile and to raise funds for the Normile family...

Plan B: Barbour Hill

Words by John Streit. Photos by Shaun Devine and Robbie Hickman. When leading nature tours, you’re always up against the elements. The key to maximizing the fun factor when conditions aren’t ideal is the...
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A Summer Daze

Photos by Shaun Devine, Frank Meredith and Forrest Roberts. Word by John Streit. Hot, humid and flat. Those were the conditions we’ve been up against here in Sandbridge and Virginia Beach. But that was be...

Case of the Fundays!

Words by John Streit. Photos by Elliot McCallister and Rob Scott. The past month featured the classic East Coast summertime weather pattern: very little wind, very tiny waves and a whole lot of heat and humi...