Photos by Matt Vaughan, Mickey McCarthy, Shaun Devine & Karis Reventas.
If anything, hurricane swells remind us that so much in surfing centers around the almighty hype machine. This website is guilty as c...
Photos by Daniel Brittian. Words by John Streit.
There's no way around it: summer is the flattest time of year for the East Coast and the Mid-Atlantic in particular. Knowing this predictable pattern, Sur...
Always a classic sight from the dunes in False Cape. Photo: Hickman.
Photos by Robbie Hickman. Words by John Streit.
Though the surf didn't match up with the perfect beach day, our co-ed False Cape Retre...
Photos by Shaun Devine. Words by John Streit.
For so many reasons, False Cape State Park is one of our favorite places on Earth -- we're just blessed to have it be in our backyard!
We return for anoth...
Words by John Streit. Photos by Valeria Palmertree/Visit Virginia Beach
For years, Surf & Adventure Co. has been the media's source for adventure stories relating to paddling or surfing around Sandbridge...
Photos & Words by Matt McKechnie.
Long weekends on the Central Coast. Turning right onto the Pacific Coast Highway always gets the blood flowing. You know you’re headed into a lightly inhabited land ...
Words by Shaun Devine. Photos by Bryan Brough/
This was Surf & Adventure Co.'s seventh trip down to False Cape State Park since May. Whether it be by bike, the Blue Goose Express, the old...
Photo: Eddie Compo,,
Photos by Eddie Compo. Words by John Streit.
It's been said that if you want to see a rainbow, you've got to put up with the rain.
That's just what the cr...
On the way toward adventure in False Cape State Park. Photo: Streit.
Words by John Streit. Photos by Shaun Devine & Streit.
For however cool, windy and rainy this spring had been, the morning of our firs...
Last year around this time; we loaded up a park ranger vehicle with our boards, jumped on bikes, cruised seven miles south of Sandbridge and scored an awesome day of waves set in the...