Southside Surprise

For how fickle the southside of Hatteras Island can be, this is the potential that keeps you coming back for more -- no matter how many times you get...

Sunday SUP-day

Rob Lindauer. Photo: Thomas. Words by John Streit. Photos by Jill Thomas. As nearly the entire East Coast enjoyed a shot of south swell on Sunday, ...

Shore Score

Big clean & dreamy. Eastern Shore, VA. Photo: Carolino. Words by John Streit. Photos by Joshua Carolino & Colin Breland. Few things in surf...

Greetings from November

Photo: Devine. Words and Photos by Shaun Devine As legendary Sportscenter anchor Stuart Scott once said, "As cool as the other side of the pillow."...
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Fall Classic

Shaun Devine. Photo: Compo/ Words by Shaun Devine. Photos by Devine, Eddie Compo and Steven Schmucker. Click. Refresh. Text. Call. R...
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Tradewinds of Change

S&A team rider Shaun Devine spent the better part of this day in the shade. Top frame: Nelson. Bottom frame: Reinerth Photos by Briar Nelson, Ju...

Sandbridge Day Dreams

Photos by Shaun Devine. Words by John Streit. Chest high. Glassy barrels. Ripable faces. Warm temperatures. These conditions are what summertime d...