Full Circle, Vol. 4: Expect the Unexpected. surfadventure Gore Bay, NZ. We left Kaikoura midday after the wind picked up onshore. Ended up driving south about an hour and came across a super-fun beach break....
Introducing Josh & The Friendly Cat: “The Great Debate.” surfadventure Foreword: One day after a surf, S&A crewman Josh Alley found the above sketch sitting on his car seat. The “EMC” signature in the corner me...
Full Circle, Vol. 3: Ace’s Place surfadventure Basil Harrison; classic backhand bottom turn Follow Surf & Adventure Co. crewman Shaun Devine on his surfing adventure through New Zealand. Wor...
Asphalt Files: Hatteras Island, Dec. 3. surfadventure Words and photos by John Streit. Foreword – Welcome to our latest blog feature: “Asphalt Files.” This series will chronicle the Surf & A...
Full Circle, Vol. 2: Tora Tora. surfadventure Shaun's NZ host Basil Harrison rips apart a Tora right. Rick Jarvill photo. Follow Surf & Adventure Co. crewman Shaun Devine on his surfing adve...
Full Circle, Vol. 1: There & Back Again surfadventure Looking down on a different world: New Zealand. Foreword – Some people just can’t sit still for too long. Surf & Adventure Co.’s Shaun Dev...
Surf Big, Give Big surfadventure Big thanks to all who gave big at Surf & Adventure Co. Words by John Streit. On Monday, Oct. 29, 2012, the face of the East Coast was forever c...
Sights of Sandy surfadventure Way overhead and pumping at Little Island Pier, Sandbridge: Oct. 29, 2012. Matt McKechnie photo. Words by John Streit. Concept by Shaun Devine. S...
Autumn Effect surfadventure Words and photos by Shaun Devine. “I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion” — Henry Da...
James Would Go. surfadventure Words by John Streit. Photos by S&A Crew. Last Saturday, the Virginia Beach and Sandbridge surfing communities came together to honor the memor...