Not willing to sit through another flat summer dominated by a wave killing high pressure, Julian Smith, Cody Hammer, Jake Hall and Chris Ban made a summer trip to Puerto Escondido. Cody was behind the lens ...
"First light surf check, we were instantly sold...." -Julian Smith
From tropical disturbance PTC10 to hurricane Gert, swell has been pumping up and down the coast for the grand opening of this years hurricane...
Down South photo's by: Patrick Duggan, Julian Smith,Cody Hammer | John Mactavish captures Sandbridge
As winter storm Stella marched up the coast this past Monday, I remember watching our surf cam and seeing so...
Photo's and ice cream headaches by Cody Hammer
Julian Smith, Alex Smith and cameraman Cody Hammer find their way somewhere down south and score epic waves. Forgoing cutting edge epoxy or poly technology, ...
Words by Alex Smith | Surfer Julian Smith | Photos taken by Annie Boothe
Living the Surf and Adventure lifestyle; the Smith brothers were beyond stoked for the swell that came through the East Coast the weeken...
Video filmed by Julian Smith & Reed Caputo. Photos by Caputo. Edited by John Streit.
They're gonna love him for his ambition. The skills of young S&A team rider Julian...
Filmed & edited by Alex Smith.
We may entered a new year, but the same weather pattern that brought plenty of surf to our shores for the fall and winter continued to provi...
Photos by Matt McKechnie. Words by John Streit.
I've always looked at the surfer-photographer connection as analogous to that of a wide receiver-quarterback in football. Just as the QB lines up that perfect...
Photos by Brian Kelley. Words by John Streit.
"Well, now you step inside but you don't see too many faces. Coming in and out of the rain to hear the jazz go down. Competition in other places. Oh, but the hor...
Photos by Colin Breland & John Streit. Words by Streit.
It's been said that timing is everything. That certainly holds true in the world of surfing on many levels. In the case of 17-year-old Surf & A...